Saturday, April 4, 2009

How to run a 10K PR in 5 easy steps!

2009 Cary road Race 10K
April 4, 2009

STEP #1: Stay out late the night before, drink too much, and act foolish.

STEP #2: Visit the Demonic Goat in Father & Sons Antiques in Raleigh. Make a wish to run a 10K under 40 minutes (or whatever would be a PR for you)

Step #3: Wake up hung over. Ingest large amounts of caffeine and Gatorade. Make 7 trips to the bathroom

Shannon took this really cool picture of the 5K start. Click for larger image. It is a split second after the gun went off, as you can see the feet just an inch off the ground.

STEP #4: Run until the pace is painful. Then hold that for almost 40 minutes.

STEP #5: Finish in 39:30. Suffer miserably

Mandy and Winston both did the 5K, and Mandy told us a funny story about Winston. He is pretty competitive in his 1-13 year old age group. As he was running the 5K next to another young kid, wondering if he should speed up to pass him, he asked "How old are you?".

Mandy and Winston are identical twins. Hard to tell apart, but see the the picture below.

The way I tell them apart is by the shoes. Mandy has red blood stain on hers, so she is on the left.

If you think we are crazy with all of our races, my neighbor Guy did the 10K, then 20 minutes later ran the 5K, and placed 2nd grand master in both.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is a training plan I feel like I could follow! Do you think a PR might be in my future??? :-)


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