Friday, June 26, 2009

Runner in Umstead Park Eaten Alive by Flies

Raleigh, NC

A body found in Umstead Park has been identified as Anthony Corriveau, 39, of Cary NC.
According to the Chief Medical Examiners report, the cause of death was determined to be swarms of biting flies. An investigation by the Wake County Sherriff’s department has determined that Mr. Corriveau was running in the park that morning when he was attacked and killed by the deadly insects.

“We were able to piece together a time line from the Garmin GPS watch found at the scene”, said Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison. “Apparently he left his house at 7:15 am, and entered the park on foot doing 8 minute miles. It looks like he got attacked around 7:52 am in the middle of the park, because he turned around started sprinting at a 5 minute pace. Poor guy, probably his fastest mile ever was his last”

The partial remains were found Friday afternoon by Park Ranger Bob Davies.
“There wasn’t much left. He was eaten down to the bone”, said Davies.
“The flies are vicious this time of year. First the deer flies attack, swarming around the head and neck. Victims will frantically swat themselves until they become exhausted and collapse. That’s when the big horse flies come in for the kill.”

Mr. Corriveau is survived by his girlfriend Shannon Johnstone. “He was always complaining about the flies”, Ms. Johnstone said, “I don’t know, they never bothered me.”


  1. LOL! Must be one hell of a way to go!

    I'm doing the Sweaty Butt 50k on the 4th! Hope those insects got their fill!

  2. Too funny, Anthony! I discovered that Burt's Bees all natural insect repellent seems to work. It's been particularly bad this year...

  3. hee hee ... they seem to like me too. Eat more garlic.

  4. I just received the warmest condolences...

    Dear Shannon,
    I read with dismay, on Anthony's blog, about his unfortuate demise in Umstead Park. Terrible news. Those damn flies. He was an inspiration to us all and will be missed. Until the next event, of course. I fear that his desire to improve his performance, and therefore the reasonhe shaved his legs to reduce wind drag, was a major factor. I will be sure not to make that same mistake. (I think we will all appreciate me not shaving my legs.)
    I will mark the spot in Umstead appropriately next time I run there. :-)

  5. The insects must really have gotten you! I thought it was just a spoof! No race report and no races must mean AC is toast! I feel sad!


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