Thursday, March 5, 2015

¡Viva la Revolución!

Although the 2015 Umstead Marathon has been canceled, the mascot speculation continues, as we still do not know what the critter is for this year's defunct race.

It is tradition among Umstead runners to try to guess what the mascot will be. But on this blog we also argue for what the mascot should be.

Unfortunately the Umstead Conclave is a very secretive group and actively avoids choosing mascots that are obvious, or ones the public is clamoring for. While this does provide surprise mascots such as the "horned devil caterpillar" of 2014, it also discriminates against such worthy candidates such as the common black rat snake or the coyote.

Last year, this horrible mascot injustice sparked the great Possum Revolution.
Our short-lived, but successful coup managed to install the Possum as a co-mascot for 2014 race.

Our small band of rebels then formed our own secret society, the:

Revolutionary Umstead Mascot Possum Society (R.U.M.P.S.)
Leading the Crusade to end Umstead Mascot Injustice

With RUMPS, the revolution lives on, and we will continue our struggle to bring the people their mascots. So let us consider just some of the worthwhile candidates, considering  both questions: Will it be? Should it be?.

There were many suggestions such as: javelina, mountain beaver, whales, Bigfoot, etc. But we will just stick with things that are in Umstead. Everybody knows that bigfoot is in Uwharrie.

Candidate: Beaver
Suggested By: Shannon
Chance it will be: 5%
Why it should be: Every time you were out running, and saw someone wearing the shirt, you could call out: "NICE BEAVER"
RUMPS score: 55
Candidate: Running Cedar
Suggested By: Jeff Wald, Steph Jefferies
Chance it will be: 1%
Why it should be: Has "Running" right in the name, it is everywhere in the park. A plant is due!
RUMPS score: 65

Candidate: Crayfish
Suggested By: Bill Harris
Chance it will be: 1%
Why it should be: Crustacean long overdue. Unique, and damn scary looking.
RUMPS score: 70
Candidate: Black Snake
Suggested By: Jay Spadie
Chance it will be: 2%
Why it should be: Most common snake in the park. IT IS NOT A COPPERHEAD. Would look awesome on a shirt and pint glass.
RUMPS score: 45

While these are all worthy candidates, there is one that is long overdue, and yet perfect for this year's dead race... to be revealed Saturday...

Candidate:  2015 RUMPS Mascot
Suggested By: The Revolution
Chance it will be: 100%
Why it will be: We already have the shirts printed...
RUMPS score: 100

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