Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Marathon Quest 250

My friend Neil Z up in Canada asked me very nicely to do him a favor, specifically he font-shouted DO IT!!! several times in his blog.

So I am giving a shout out to Martin Parnell, who is attempting 250 marathon distance runs this year. That is almost one every day, which of course is mind boggling.
He is doing this to raise $250,000 for Right To Play.
Right To Play is an humanitarian organization that uses sport and play programs to improve health, develop life skills, and foster peace with children and communities in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world.

His website is Marathon Quest 250.  Neil Z did a pretty funny post about hosting one of Martin's marathons up there in Calgary.

By getting attention on "Running Down" Martin has really hit the big time. This blog draws an enormous audience of literally tens of people every week. All of whom stumble across this blog searching for what type of olive oil to put on their bad case of runner's knee.

Good luck Martin! You have inspired me! I am starting my own similarly epic endeavor, called Shower Quest 250. Where I will attempt to take 250 showers this year. Yes, that is almost one every day, and I am exhausted just thinking about it.

Seriously, take a few minutes and donate a few bucks to Right To Play by clicking here.


  1. Go Martin!! That is just awesome. Go Anthony!!!

  2. Thanks dude! I hope all your reader sees this.

  3. Perhaps you'd like to do a follow up story. 3 to go. The final, the 250th run, is Friday. Can you believe it?


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