And by rehab, I mean physical therapy for my knees.
If they want me to go to drug rehab, I'll go, but only if it's somewhere nice.
Physical Therapy
I had been to physical therapy before for my Runners Knee in 2006. Here is how it went:
Therapist: Lay on this table and do 3 sets of 10 leg lifts.
Me: Ok, done. Now what.
Therapist: Uh, do some more leg lifts. Then come back for 3 days a week for the next 8 weeks.
Me: For more leg lifts?
Therapist: Uh, well... yeah.
Therapist: Yes.
Me: Why don't I just stay home and do leg lifts for free?
Therapist: Because I am a professional.
Go back to start... Do not pass go... Lose $2000
So after lots of doctors visits I was back to where I started from.
All the way back to 2006, in fact. A case of runners knee and no answers.
"Small Steps" wasn't working.
Hell, even "NO STEPS" wasn't working.
Hmmm. Why did it come back? A better question, why did it go away for a few years?
Fortunately I have kept a detailed running log since 2007 that could answer those questions.
Some people think running logs are useless data.
But back in July, I looked at my log and found something very interesting...
To be continued.