Wednesday, August 31, 2011

They tried to make me go to rehab...

I said, "No, no, no".

And by rehab, I mean physical therapy for my knees.
If they want me to go to drug rehab, I'll go, but only if it's somewhere nice.

Physical Therapy
I had been to physical therapy before for my Runners Knee in 2006. Here is how it went:

Therapist: Lay on this table and do 3 sets of 10 leg lifts.
Me: Ok, done. Now what.
Therapist: Uh, do some more leg lifts. Then come back for 3 days a week for the next 8 weeks.
Me: For more leg lifts?
Therapist: Uh, well... yeah.
Me: So I come here 3 days a week and pay you $300 an hour to tell me to do leg lifts?
Therapist: Yes.
Me: Why don't I just stay home and do leg lifts for free?
Therapist: Because I am a professional.

Go back to start... Do not pass go... Lose $2000 
So after lots of doctors visits I was back to where I started from.
All the way back to 2006, in fact. A case of runners knee and no answers.

"Small Steps" wasn't working.
Hell, even "NO STEPS" wasn't working.

Hmmm. Why did it come back? A better question, why did it go away for a few years?

Fortunately I have kept a detailed running log since 2007 that could answer those questions.

Some people think running logs are useless data.

But back in July, I looked at my log and found something very interesting...

To be continued.


  1. I hate the whole PT racket--I hope you've found the answers you need and can move forward!

  2. Oooh, nice cliffhanger. But crap! I based my whole running form reformation on your "small steps" principle. Am I on the road to catastrophe? Good luck. Cheers!

  3. I wouldn't say useless; it's just that running logs provide just enough information for most of us to confirm any preconceived conclusion. We remember the hits and forget the misses.

    Anyway, posts like these make me happy I don't have "health insurance" or whatever it is they're calling that racket.

  4. Come on! Next post, please! I'm running out of popcorn! ;-)

  5. The mystery, the answer, the suspense......

  6. Really interesting story. I do agree with the said "professionals", they will just drain your pockets with no actual help and solution.

    NY rehab center


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