Sunday, April 15, 2012

Death and Taxes

Today we decided to join in on the Tax Day Run, which is part of Stet That Run's virtual 12athlon.
If you have never heard of it, the 12athlon is globally popular contest involving running 12 miles on the 12th of every month of 2012.

Prizes are awarded to those that rack up the most points completing a variety of somewhat wacky challenges. The rules are almost as complicated as the tax code itself, so a Tax Day run is quite appropriate. This run must be exactly 4.15 miles long (in honor of 4/15), which we completed running to the other side of Lake Crabtree.

Spring. 70 degrees. Sunny. How could we not run?
We headed out to the trail with 3 of our claimable dependents. Jorge, Jeffery, and Dudley Dooright. We just gave Dooright his summer haircut, so his body is now white, but his head is still red. We are calling him "Matchstick"

Jorge hurdles a log.

About 3 miles out we ran across 3 dead baby opossum laying in the middle of the trail. Cause of death unknown, but they had not been dead for long. I will spare you Shannon's gruesome close-up shots.

Death on tax day

We stopped at several "beaches" around the lake to let the dogs swim and cool off.

Matchstick and Jorge fetching

Even Jeffery was starting to lag because of the heat

Bloodsucker on tax day
Even though I had coated my ankles with Deep Woods OFF, half way through the run I found a little red tick stuck to my ankle . Later, I found this bugger crawling on Dooright, even after we had bathed him. Blood sucking parasites. How appropriate on Tax Day.


  1. Love it! I thought about taking Charley for his first run outside the neighborhood for my 4.15-mile run today. But, I was afraid the heat would be too much for him. 'Course, I was running beside a river the whole time...

  2. Most excellent! I'm honored that the Running Down team has at last joined the 12athon. 4.15 Tax Day credits for both of you!


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