Saturday, October 20, 2012

2012 Ales for Rail-Trails 5K

I've been to races where the finishers award is a pint glass.
And I thought that was the greatest thing ever.
Then I went to races where they served beer afterward. 
And I thought that was the greatest thing ever.

While I was happy with these races, my imagination bubbled. 
What if... what if there was a race that when you finished they handed you a pint glass... filled with beer!

A reason to finish fast was to get there before the line formed.

But people dismissed the idea as a pipe dream. "Never happen", they would say shaking their heads, "Regulations. Rules. Laws. Liability." The word "liability" is used to squash most fun ideas.
"Runners can only be trusted with a plastic water bottle and half a bagel. You give them a glass of beer and there would be drunk, dehydrated runners passed out in the street among piles of broken glass"

But despite these naysayers, my dream has come true. When I finished the Ales for Rail-Trails 5K, a full pint of beer was handed to me. Now this, this is the greatest thing ever.

Even better, there was nothing else at the finish. No crappy bagels or half green bananas. No toxic "vitamin  water" that a soda company is trying to promote. Not even plain water. Just beer. Awesome.

Shannon ran with Jeffery Jeffery and everybody loved him. "Oh! He's only got three legs!"

Bart shows of his pint belt.

My rival Bart got his revenge and kicked my ass by over 2 minutes with an 18:33. He scored another pint glass as 3rd in the gigantic 30-49 age group.

Oh, and no one passed out or dropped their glass. We just all hung out in the street, drank, talked, and ate at the food trucks. Durham is so cool. This would never happen in Cary. This race is has taken the top spot on my list.

The rest of Shannon's photos are here.


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