Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Saturday: Brawl in Benson

In the history of great showdowns between rivals, a few come to mind:
The Rumble in the Jungle. 
The Thrilla in Manila. 
The Ream at the Scream.

Soon, there will be another to add to the list.

Saturday, October 27
Healthy Harvest 5k
The Brawl in Benson
Who is the fastest barefooter in NC?

As they say in Johnston County: "It's on like a pot of neckbones"
Barefoot Josh and I will once again go toe to toe in an epic battle to decide who is slightly faster than mediocre. Only this time, I will be going barefoot against the master himself.

This race recognizes and awards the "first three barefoot finishers". So I think it is perfectly legitimate for the winner to claim the title of "Fastest Barefoot Runner in NC".
Now, obviously there are faster barefoot runners in NC than us. But until they have their own obnoxious self involved blogs to brag about it, they don't count.

Tale of the Tape

Last 5K20:1420:44
5K PR17:3818:15
Shoe size6?12
Facial Hair81
OatmealSteel CutQuaker Old Fashioned

Josh has the better PRs, but he has never beaten me. Can he do it this time?
Will some unknown barefooter show up and beat both of us?
Place your bets!


  1. Oh, this should be good. You've got the mental edge, but I'm not sure that's saying much.

    LET'S GET READYYYYY TOOOO RUUUUM ... ber ... RUUUN with really good form and show everyone barefoot running can be done safely and quickly. Cheers!

    1. thanks. Unfortunately safely and quickly are mutually exclusive for me. I'll try not to bleed too much though.

  2. Shoe Size 6? That is quite creative trash talk.

    1. be careful, he might actually wear a 6, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    2. I have to buy Barbie Dolls just to find shoes that fit.


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