Monday, March 15, 2010

Calf has come home!

On Saturday morning I heard a scratching at the front door, and when I opened it, there was my lost calf muscle!
It had finally come home after a week out in Umstead park, where it had abandoned me at mile 23 of the marathon. I guess it had finally forgiven me for the abuse I subjected it to these last few months, or maybe it was just hungry.

In any case, I put it back on my leg and it seemed to work, as I could walk again without limping.
I went and bought some of those "zensah calf sleeves" that I had always thought were pretty goofy. Now I understand what they are for. To keep your calves from escaping!

I went for a nice easy trail run with Shannon wearing the sleeves and the calf felt OK.
Just in time for the Hard Climb hill 10 miler on Sunday...


  1. I'll send a donation to the LCM Society so that they can help others who have suffered the same fate. At least YOURS has a happy ending!

  2. There once was a man named ac
    Who ran much faster than me.
    His calves were too slow
    So they told him to "go,
    I'll catch up eventually."

  3. Wow, you run barefoot just once, for half a mile, and POOF! You're cured.

  4. Frank, thanks for the donation! I plan on being a spokesman for LCM. I will be wearing a pink ribbon around my leg.

    Josh. Nice limerick! You have yet another gift.
    Yes that barefoot running is magic! Who do I send my check to?


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