Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Running Photo Contest Winners

Results from our "Why We Run" running photo contest are in.

Our 7 judges reviewed the 28 submissions carefully, and each chose their favorites. There was quite a variety of opinions and several fist fights broke out. The votes were tallied and here are the winners:

3rd Place ($25)
"For the Future"
Scott Lynch

2nd Place ($50)
"Thumbs Up"
Heiko Rath
And drum roll please...

1st Place ($100)
Kimberly Sullivan
(This image literally invoked tears in one our judges)
Congrats to our winners, and many thanks to everyone who submitted. Every photo submitted had it's own merits,  and the judges found decision making process difficult. All seven judges picked a different photo as their favorite, and almost every photo had votes or positive comments.

Every entrant had their own unique mix of reasons of "Why We Run", and so did each of the judges. The same image which gets a shrug from one viewer can strike a powerful emotional response in another. For example one judge was unimpressed with "The Feeling of Flying" (photo below),  yet it resonated strongly with me. I closed my eyes and immediately felt myself flying down Company Mill trail. I tried to explain it to him, but couldn't. But the image says it perfectly to me.

Here are our honorable mentions. These were picked as favorites by judges or were otherwise notable:

Honorable Mention
"The Feeling of Flying"
Jaclyn Kolev

Honorable Mention
"Uwharrie Stream Crossing"
Frank Lilley
Honorable Mention
"Still Smiling"
Monique Turco

Honorable Mention
Samantha Mulvey
(Several judges identified strongly with her artist statement)

Most Likely to be Published in a Runner's World
Andrew Vanover

 Bloggers Favorite
"Fast Track"
Harold Hill
(Both Shannon and I thought thought this was the best image)

Thanks again to all the entrants, especially Harold Hill who demonstrated the most enthusiasm and creativity in submitting 8 different images.

We are not through with photos submitted and the stories behind them, as they will serve as content for the "Why We Run" book that Shannon and I are working on.

There will be another photo contest for 2012, but it the submission process will be different. So stay tuned, and save those great images...


  1. Judging art is difficult. I actually liked several of the photos in the submission set better than my own. But, I'm happy others liked mine...

  2. So glad you all did this. Some great shots! And the top three were really the top three in my mind!

  3. Awesome! I really liked all of the photos in the gallery. And, I can only imagine how difficult the judging must have been. Thanks for having this contest. And, I can't wait to see what's in store for the 2012 version of it.

    And, congrats to the winners!


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