Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 Little River Trail Run

This was the 4th Little River Trail Run for Shannon and I.
See 2010 Race Report and 2011 Race Report  for Shannon's photos and stories of coldness and hotties in my pants.

Shannon's photos from today can be found here on picasa and here on facebook.

The Trail Heads love switchbacks.
The Little River 10 mile course was designed by carefully mapping
 the flight of a really pissed off bee caught in jar.

As is tradition, Little River is held on the absolute coldest day of the year. This morning was a balmy 28°F, so it looks like we are in for a mild winter.

We car pooled to the race with Chris and Jenny, shivered putting on our bibs and lined up at the start.

I had four good runs last week so I was optimistic this morning. My goal was to beat my snow enhanced slip-sliding time from last year. Race director Willow counted down, and then the pack was off down the road at a 5:30 pace. Only one person there had any business running that fast, and that was David Roche, who ended up breaking his own course record.

Every one loves elevation profiles. It is race report crack.

Up and Up
The rest of us were gassed after the first mile, and entered the trail at a more reasonable pace.
I ended up following a pack of runners including friends Dan, Sam and Tim.

In preparation for Uwharrie, I have been practicing my downhill running the last few weeks, with the belief that if I don't fight gravity, it won't punish my crackling knees.

So I was waiting for a downhill to pass the group, but the elevation profile above lies like a presidential candidate. The trail just kept going up and up. It was killing me trying to keep up with these guys on one climb after another. I swear I heard a buzzing sound coming from my chest sounding like a badly tuned weed whacker. This went on for about 6 miles.

My heart rate during the race. As you can see it reached 300 bpm, which is 167% of my max heart rate.
You can kind of tell where the tough hills were.

Finally, just seconds before I blacked out, there came a downhill and I rolled down it, surprisingly gaining ground on the group. In a road race, I know I wouldn't have been anywhere near them, but I was really happy that I was able to hang with them on the trail on a good day. I sputtered out the last few miles, unable to keep up with the eventual Masters winner.

But happily, I was able to hang on and finish a minute faster than last year, and scored an awesome jacket for first in my age group.

Kudos to the Trail Heads for thinking "outside the race shirt"
and giving out custom printed arm warmers to all entrants.

It turns out that pushing as hard as you can and maxing out your heart rate for well over an hour really starves your brain of oxygen. As I sat down to write this race report, I could not focus at all. My head was literally vibrating, and I could not think straight.

Fortunately the TrailHeads had given out some very cool custom arm warmers that boast some impressive powers:
"Reduces muscle vibration, focuses muscle power, and controls body movements."
Just what I needed!
Using compression technology for MIND CONTROL

I finally was able to pass Dan by clubbing
him in the knee with large branch
Once again, big, huge thanks to the TrailHeads and all the volunteers for a great race!


  1. Those were *arm* warmers? I was using them as calf compression sleeves. Guess I need to hit the gym and bulk up my stick figure legs.

    Congrats on the master's class win! Cracklin' knees or not, you are running very well again.

    Oh, and as always, great report!

  2. If I tilt my head to the left, the trail map looks sort of like a dragon with wings outstretched...

    Congrats on an awesome race, AC! A jacket for first place in your AG and arm warmers for everyone? How cool! The Trail Heads sure do know how to put on a race.

    1. Looks sort of like an 8-legged mutant moose as well. I like these race course Rorschach tests. Very fun.

  3. Sounds like I should have shown up just for the race swag. But then I would have been tempted to actually run the darn thing, which would not have ended well in my current state. Great job!

  4. Still having nightm--flashbacks about your swiftitude when you broke from the pack. If Uwharrie starts anything like that, please throw my carcass off the mountain at the first hill.

  5. Hey, We'd love to use your Garmin course file and course image on the Little River 2013 race registration site. If you'll send us the file and permission, we'll post it with thanks, acknowledgement, and a link to your blog!

    Thanks, booda LRTR co-director


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