Friday, January 20, 2012

Gear Review: Sunshine Friends Shoehorn

Runners can accumulate a lot of gear and a lot of shoes, but one very useful tool is often overlooked:
The simple shoehorn.

It can really be a time saver. Instead of spending several minutes loosening up the laces, putting your foot in, then re-tightening and tying, you can just slip your foot right in!

And if you own a pair of those very snug minimalist shoes like Vibrams then a shoehorn is an absolute must.

I own a pair of Merrell Trail Gloves that are very tight. They fit like a... like a tight mitten. I bought them last year and it's always a struggle to get them on. It never occurred to me that it could be so much easier.

But then a few months ago I was in an Asian grocery store buying a 2 pound whole dried squid, when the "Sunshine Friends Shoehorn" really caught my eye. Heck, it practically thrust itself right in my face.

I don't think I have seen one before, but it looked oddly familiar. It reminded me of something... but I couldn't quite place it. What really sold me was the tagline:
"Joyful Sunshine Friends be a Friend With Anybody in The World"
With this, I can have friends all over the world, AND slip my shoes on!  All this for the bargain price of $1.99. I had to snatch it up.

Comes with a double balled base holder,
so it is always standing at erect attention,
happily waiting to service you!

This is really a quality piece of equipment. Crafted in Korea of the finest pink plastic, the Sunshine Friends Shoehorn is confidently stiff while remaining supple and responsive.

It smoothly penetrates the tight slot between
 your heel and the back of the shoe
As far as shoehorns go, I have to give this a solid 8 out of 10.
While it is perfectly functional, there is still something a little weird about it, that can't quite put my finger on...

Available at your local running shop
or Korean grocery store


  1. So funny! I believe I used to have one several years ago. Guess I've lost it!! :-)

  2. You and your sunshine friends shoehorn just made our evening - thank you for this helpful .... wait for it .... tip!

    1. You're welcome! I'd love to do a whole series of posts promoting this shoehorn, but maybe that is going too far.
      I promise that I will leave it at this little tip and not push it too much.

  3. Remind me not to "be your friend" any time soon. Oh, and that thing gives me the willies... BOOM!

    1. But Joyful Sunshine Shoehorn wants to be your Friend! Just look at that smile

  4. I'm familiar with the product from back in my college days. That was an awkward time in my life.

  5. Why don't they put useful stuff like this in swag bags at races? I mean, come on!

    1. That's a great idea, better than a race shirt.
      I think they come in S, M, L, XL

  6. Are you going to be getting one for Shannon? Or will you share yours with her? For health reasons you probably should not share outside 'family.'

    1. I think you can buy special wrappers to put around it if you want to share it more freely

  7. This post totally cracks me up, The commends cracks me even more than the post!

  8. How odd that I read this post today, as last night I was seriously considering the purchase of a shoehorn. If it had been a Sunshine Friends Shoehorn, I wouldn't have decided against it. Cheers!


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