Friday, August 6, 2010

Rolling the dice

Dealing with running injuries is like gambling.
Or, like a whole bunch of bad gambling analogies.

It's Blackjack, if you play it too safe you won't come out ahead. Push too hard and you bust.
Or like Poker. You feel a little twinge, your body saying "I'll raise you one quadricep muscle"

Do you fold your hand, and rest for a few days? Or do you think it is bluffing?
"Bullshit!", you say, "I'll re-raise you a 17 mile run!"

Turns out it has a full house. YOU LOSE. Your leg swells up and you end up limping home.

You vow to rest for a few days.

But after only one day, you feel lucky. Maybe the leg is better? Just a slow 6 mile jog? So you blow your day of rest on a scratch off ticket. Uh! YOU LOSE! Limp home again.

So you take another 3 full days off, saving up.

And today you're back at the low stakes tables. You bet two slow miles... you WIN!
Take your chips and go home?
No! Let it ride! Head right back out the door for a 6 mile tempo run.

You get very lucky and make it home. Now on to higher stakes...



  1. Look out for snake eyes! And box cars. And other craps terms I don't know the meaning of. Cheers!

  2. Yikes! That sounds eerily familiar...

  3. ac: You are blogging my week. Except part of my effort was trying to determine the cause of my sore calf.
    But everything else is the same.
    Rest another day? Not till I re-injure the leg trying to test it.
    Finally today I ran through a bit of the pain and feel like there was some combination of heeling and dealing that made the mileage possible.
    Good! Now I can do my 18 miles on the Tobacco Trail Sunday.........

  4. i dunno man, I'm not much into gambling. Good luck. I am going to do a nice and easy attempt at a 10k PR tomorrow. barefoot. after 1 month + of barefooting. Nope, no gambling here.

  5. Neil,
    Sweet! Hoping you hit the jackpot!


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