Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011 Running of the Bulls 8K

Blogging Marathon Day #1

DNS (Did Not Start)
While I was signed up, I did not run this race, because my knees seem to be crumbling to pieces like peanut brittle. I will discuss my degenerating knees in a later post. Instead here is a slightly amusing story about how I was unintentionally signed up for the race.
Kim of Bull City rang the cow bell to start the race

Last Year
Shannon and I ran the "Running of the Bulls 8K" last year (post here), and both of us had a bad day.
It was unbearably hot, and we both ended up nauseatingly ill from over-heating. This, of course, is no fault of the race itself, as Bull City Running always puts on great races.

But just like she has vowed to never eat at California Pizza Kitchen again, Shannon vowed to never run this race again.

Which was fine with me this year. "I am not signing up for anymore races", I told her several times. It seemed clear we were not running it this year.

I Was Kidding
I find Shannon's irrational aversion to certain things amusing, and I like to tease her, such as threatening to take her to California Pizza Kitchen to eat.
So about 5 weeks ago, I sent her a chat message saying,
"Hey, Running of the Bulls is open for registration!".
I expected to get a "No way!" or a "Yuck" reaction, but instead I got back this message:
"OK! I just signed us both up!".
Ug. I was kidding.

Shannon runs with her dad Steve
So I didn't run, but I got a nice shirt out of it.
I tagged along with Shannon and her dad who ran the race, and took pictures and hung out.

I put the pictures I took up on facebook here:
Photo set #1
Photo set #2

Shannon, of course took pictures while she was running. Hers are here: Photo set #3


  1. Anthony, I ran in this race and would like to use some of your pictures for my blog post. I was flying solo and don't have any, and you actually have some of me where I don't look like death.

  2. Greg - No problem. Let me know if you want any high res photos

  3. Thanks!

    I am good with what I got off of facebook. Those are some killer pictures!


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