Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am Reading a Book!

Blogging Marathon Day #4

A hand written note from the author

For most people this wouldn't be news, but I don't read a lot of books.

I do try to pretend I'm intellectual, by reading books like "Why we get sick". This book has sentences like this:
An individual homozygous for the normal allele has perfectly good red blood corpuscles but lacks the special resistance to malaria.

Unfortunately, I have the attention span of a gnat, so I've been reading it for 3 years and I'm still not done.

So I bought another book: "Running for the Hansons", which I will attempt to read in just 2 weeks, and then post a thoughtful book review. It is written by an a guy who runs at the elite level, but does not show up on the cover of Runners World or in shoe advertisements.

Instead he works at the Hanson's shoe store. Here is an except from the book
The third main type of customer at the Hansons is what I like to call a "Stroke". The Stroke is a middle-aged man who is somewhat financially well off... he is a runner and a triathlete and he lets you know that right away... He is usually obsessed with the latest running trends like minimalist running shoes and Vibram Five Fingers, and he will usually start telling you about the book Born to Run and a guy named Dean Karnazes.
For the record, I never said I was a triathlete.


  1. Oh Crap...I am soooo a "Stroke." I began running, got a little confidence, read Ultramarathon Man and discovered there was ultrarunning. Then I read Born to Run and dropped my shoes eventually moving into Vibrams. I guess now i would be considered "Post-Stroke" now since I am researching a pair of minimal, low drop sneakers?
    Chris Johnson

  2. You spent three years reading the book or the sentence?

  3. Hey Chris!

    Sounds like a fun read. Does he have a customer type for me, I wonder: the barefoot guy who uses their treadmill camera to see what his butt looks like running, and buys lots of non-shoe merch out of guilt?

  4. Chris- Nah, you're not a stroke. I think the author is mistakenly lumping together people who question the conventional shoe store dogma, and blowhards who try to give elite athletes running advice.

    Frances- The sentence. For some reason, every time I get to corpuscles, I get hungry and head to the fridge

  5. Maybe not a "stroke" but I have transitioned from my desire to talk to everyone about everything running. Maybe it is as a result of being "Vibam Chris" and being tired of being asked about "those shoes." But now I am evolving again and ready to become "Minimalist Shoe Chris." (Not that I am considering that moniker).


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