Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Running Hazards: Copperheads

Blogging Marathon Day #3


Deadly Encounter
While my knees are preventing me from running, I have discovered that I can ride my bike as long as I don't push down on the pedals at a particular angle. So I was riding my bike through Umstead Park this morning, on my way to work, when I had a near death experience. This is what happened:

I was climbing up a hill, and a woman was running down it, coming towards me. She was waving her arms frantically and screaming at me:


Brown Snake Copperhead!
Clearly she was warning me of some danger ahead. But I couldn't quite hear her over my grunting, groaning and wheezing.  Robbers? Cops? "What was that?", I asked as I passed by.
"COP-O-ROB-O-POPA!", she repeated.

I stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry, what?"


"Oh my god! Thanks!", I said.

King Snake Copperhead!
Masters of Disguise
This actually happens quite often. About 4 or 5 times a week, when I am out walking the dogs, running, biking, or driving my car down the freeway, a passerby will warn me of a dreaded COPPERHEAD! up ahead.

I am lucky and grateful for this these warnings because I am  very bad at identifying copperheads. The ones people point out to me I would have mistaken for a black snake, or a garter snake, or a turtle. But copperheads come in many different colors and shapes, and are in fact, the only snake that exists in North Carolina.

I have included some pictures of copperheads here that are mistaken for other types of snakes.

Northern Water Snake Copperhead!
Near Death

Anyway, the only sane option was to ride back and take another trail about 7 miles out of my way to avoid riding by the snake. But I was late for work and really tired. So instead I continued up the hill, and hoped that maybe the snake had already moved on and bitten some other park visitor.

I scanned ahead, ready to turn around at the first sight of it. But when I did see it, it was too late.

It was directly to my right. Coiled up and staring at me, 14 inches of certain death. I was about 10 feet away from it, and moving fast, but I knew that would not save me. Copperheads are known to spring at lightning speed up to 25 feet through the air and bite people right in the face.

I closed my eyes and waited for it to strike...

But it didn't! Copperheads are insanely aggressive and will attack 99% of time, but I guess I was the lucky 1%.

Brown Water Snake Copperhead!
Be Careful!
So runners and bikers, be careful out there this summer. Always assume that there is a copperhead on the trail ahead, and that it will kill you.

The best way to deal with them is to buy a treadmill and run indoors. I recommend a Tigram Trail Treadmill. (Of course, do not order the deadly snake option).

Here we see Laurent Fignon, a French cyclist who was bitten
 in the face by a copperhead while leading the Tour de France in 1983



  1. I kind of want that copperhead costume.

    One of the guys I run with on Saturdays is 1. very afraid of snakes and 2. runs without his glasses. Needless to say, I love pointing out every stick on the path yelling, "SNAKE!"

    PS I'm the one yelling "SNAKE!," not the stick on the path. That would be trippy.

  2. yeah, I hate when those sticks yell " SNAKE " at me on the trails. I'm running in place in my living room because i can;t afford a treadmill.

  3. Although there would probably be no need to point them out if they were yelling "Snake!".
    One of the runners here told me I should not be running when I go to northern Michigan because they have bears. So many good reasons NOT to run.
    #200 Copperhead Snakes
    #333 Bear Attacks.
    Missed you Anthony - Glad you are back.

  4. I took my kids to Eno River yesterday and we saw a giant COP-O-ROB-O-POPA! snake in the river. It was eating one of the smaller kids in the YMCA camp group who were there at the same time. Good life lesson for my kids. I told them "See, you don't have to be the fastest kid in the group to escape from the COP-O-ROB-O-POPA! snake, just faster than at least one of the other kids!"

    Excellent post, AC.

  5. Ha! I am laughing my asss off, AC! As a bit of a snake nerd, the tendency for many people to identify any snake as a copperhead in this state is one of my all-time pet peeves. You're a genius!

  6. Ash - thanks. I was worried that most NC readers would not realize I was kidding. There seems to be such an irrational fear of snakes here. You're probably 100 times more likely to be killed by a car than a snake.

  7. Especially cars driven by snakes.

  8. Snakes actually drive better than most people.
    Unless the snakes are texting.

  9. I swear, if I see one more snake texting while driving I'm going to bite it in the face.

  10. I imagine that you'd only be killed by a car if the driver is swerving to avoid a copperhead, in which case, one could place blame on the copperhead for the death. And, given that everything that slithers in NC is a copperhead, we are all in great danger. They really are a menace, copperheads.

  11. dude, that was a stressful read! Geesh! Glad it turned out ok! LOL Joey!


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