Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Headlines from home

Blogging Marathon: Day 18
Too tired to write anything coherent.
Shannon just likes the "Headlines from Home" anyway, lets have some more of that.

Number of times weight set has been used
approaching number of times it has been moved

Bug bite starting to become a concern

Dog bed didn't stand a chance

Yet another pair of shoes added to shelf

Woman leaves house for 3 weeks. Toilet paper usage drops 95%

Man has 3 days to eat 2 pounds of spinach

Runner's World full of tips!!!!


  1. My husband would feel the same way about the toilet paper! My dog would feel the same way about the bed! HA HA

  2. Make sure you microwave the spinach for at least 15 minutes to kill any e-coli that might be growing on it... It'll be a lot smaller too!

  3. Is that the shoe morgue?

    You could always use the spinach as toilet paper.

  4. If only men used toilet paper for Number #1... (I think they should.)

  5. Give me a call if you ever decide to get rid of the clothes-hanger-weight-storage contraption you have there...

  6. I LOVE headlines from home. Glad to see all is well. Good luck with the spinach.

  7. Nice to know I'm not the only one the bugs are loving this summer.


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